For generations, people have taken to steam baths for relaxing and remedial purposes.

Indeed, the history of the steam bath can be traced back thousands of years, and it was the Ancient Romans who first brought the heat treatment to public popularity. The innovative, forward-thinking Romans recognised the health and hygiene benefits of a good steam clean, but their baths were also used for socialising, too.

In the modern world, we can see in even greater detail how correct the Romans were about steam baths – their benefits are numerous, and at Living Valley Health Retreat, we have a world-class example for you to try out.

Here is a how a steam bath can help:

An all-over detox

One of the body’s natural reactions, when exposed to heat, is to sweat. This is because that water helps the body to cool down, but it can also rid our systems of numerous impurities and toxins. Spending time in a steam bath can cause our skin to sweat out up to 30 percent of any negative substances present in our bodies.

This can give our kidneys and liver a helping hand, as they’ll have to work less hard to keep our bodies nice and sparkling clean. Additionally, our skin must open its pores when we sweat, meaning that it will be getting a good scrub too!

Let it breathe

Hot steam can have the effect of opening the airways and nasal passages, which can significantly improve your breathing motion and put paid to congestion, should it be present.

Warm steam will thin and then open the mucous membranes, easing the pressure on the entire respiratory system. Of course, this can markedly aid people living with conditions such as asthma or tuberculosis, as well as reduce discomfort from sinus issues.

Weight it out

All that water leaving your body due to sweating means that you’ll be losing weight during a steam bath – however, once you rehydrate, that weight will be returned, albeit in healthier water form. A steam bath can increase your metabolism, meaning that the food you eat will be burned more quickly without a significant rise in weight.

At Living Valley Detox & Wellness Retreat, we believe that the steam bath is one of the strongest therapeutic tools in existence today. You may want to sit in our bath for time immemorial, but try to haul yourself out for a cold shower – we mean it! You’ll feel completely revitalised, regain a sense of vigour and will be well-placed to face any challenges that the world can throw at you, so get in touch and discover this detox secret!